Monday, December 18, 2006

Catching you up

So I said I'd tell you about my trip to D.C., although I clearly lied about the "soon" part. Sorry about that.

Last week, I went up to D.C. to meet the Mighty, Mighty Bostonian. We went to Mount Vernon on Saturday afternoon, though not before getting lost trying to find it. We had to call The Sandwich and have him serve as our personal OnStar guide, which he graciously and helpfully did.

He was not so gracious or helpful when we prank called him later and asked how to get from the visitors center to the actual house.

After touring George and Martha's abode, we strolled the grounds and MMB, a city girl, found the farm animals, which I'm pretty sure she found more fascinating than Mount Vernon.

We went ice skating that night, and I discovered that I have freakishly weak ankles or something. My endurance for ice skating was about three laps of unsteadily sliding around the rink before I yearned for the sweet, sweet comfort of the wall. Luckily, MMB was willing to go it alone for frequent periods. She did have some advice from this little kid who was the total MacDaddy of the ice rink. He was explaining to her how simple it is to ice skate -- "It's just like walking," he said.

Lying little bastard.

At any rate, when he was done hitting on MMB, he could frequently be seen skating around the rink holding the hands of two little girls -- one on either side.

Ah ... reminds me of a young me.

If I had had the ability to skate.

Or get girls to hold my hand.

Anyhow, the next day, we had brunch at the Corcoran Museum with several friends, which was really cool. They set up a big spread in the lobby area and had gospel singers. Good times. Then we headed to the National Gallery of Art, where they had a choir singing in the entry area. Gotta love D.C. around the holidays.

That night, after dropping MMB off at the airport, it was video game time -- we kicked it old school with the DreamCast and other consoles of Christmases past. And Rob bought some really crappy candy at a BaskinRobbins/Dunkin Donuts and because NO ONE was crazy enough to buy that candy that day, the people behind the register rewarded his bravery with a free doughnut, which turned into FIVE free doughnuts simply because the bag could hold that many. It was ridiculously awesome.

Since then, I've started looking at some houses, which has been interesting. I went to a surprise farewell party for a co-worker last night but left at apparently the right time, as I missed what was later described as a no-pants-hug between two very, very drunk guys.

Anyhow, I apologize in advance for not blogging much in the next couple of weeks probably. I'm still trying to get my Christmas cards out among other tasks. They're supposed to be in the mail by tomorrow to get to people before Christmas. And that's just not going to happen. But I'm still shooting for sometime before 2007. We'll see how that goes ...

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