Saturday, December 31, 2005

Out with the old, in with the new

I need to set up a photo album first, but then I'll catch you all up on what I've been up to the past few weeks. But in the meantime, Happy New Year! I'm not one usually inclined to make New Year's resolutions, believing as I do that every day is a perfectly fine opportunity for a new start. But I'm making a bit of an exception, in the hopes of perhaps holding myself a bit more accountable if I put these out there for everyone to see. So here are my goals for 2006 (feel free to share yours as well, if you want):

1) Take lessons and learn to play the guitar.
2) Learn some Spanish (and maybe refresh a little on my French) -- do this using my Spanish phrase-a-day calendar and Spanish language tapes.
3) Be better about keeping in touch with people -- don't let any e-mails go unanswered for more than a week (maybe two). And if it's been a couple of months since I've heard from a friend, drop them a note.
4) Blog more often. It doesn't always have to be about some big event or something funny (although it doesn't hurt).
5) Get back to going to the gym 5 days a week. If for some reason, I can't make it to the gym, stretch and jump rope.
6) Start practicing tai chi again on a regular basis.
7) Floss at least every other day.
8) Cook more.
9) Eat healthier -- keep track of what I eat everyday on to keep myself accountable.
10) Start the process for buying a house so that I can do that by the time my lease ends in February 2007.
11) Do more hiking, biking and other outdoor activities.
12) Get my Christmas cards from 2005 out. :-)

I'll let you know if I think of any others...


nanners said...

you should floss every day, every day!

Dapper Dad said...

How about:

1. Watch a woman urinate.
2. Kill a man.
3. Drink milk from the breast of a Burmese or Nepalese woman.
4. Eat a cheeseburger.

BriGuy said...

Klaus, you disturb me.

Janalynn, change is best made in small, achievable steps. If I get myself to floss (at least) every other day, it will be much easier to then transition to doing it every day.