Tuesday, January 02, 2007

So you say you want a reso-lu-tio-on, oh yeah?

OK, here goes. My goals for 2007:

1) Buy a house.
This is sort of a gimme since I'm already looking and all. But I need to close the deal.

2) Learn to play the guitar.
Yes, this is a holdover from last year. But this year, I'm gonna do it. Really.

3) Get outside my comfort zone more.
I'm going to explore the area more -- try new restaurants and new shops and do some uncharacteristic things, such as the Polar Plunge, which I'm forming a team for in February. Maybe do some traveling to new places.

4) Be better organized; procrastinate less.
I'm already a pretty well-organized person. But I have decided that between my workload and things in my personal life, I've got to step it up a notch. Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today. Try to stay on top of everything; file papers immediately; etc. Be better about e-mailing also falls under this category. And create a budget and a daily schedule that includes habits I want to form -- flossing, the gym, reading a good book, etc. -- and stick to it.

5) Get back in the habit of going to the gym regularly.
Another holdover from last year. The goal -- three to five times a week, preferably five on a Sunday through Thursday schedule, leaving Fridays open to see movies before work and Saturdays to relax. Also, I need to try the Y's tai chi class.

6) Be healthier in general.

Try to eat better, cook more and be more active. (While still getting in some quality video game time, mind you.) Part of what will help will be to finally get my bike fixed so I can ride it.

7) Get my Christmas cards for 2006 out.
And maybe I should resolve to get my 2007 cards out before Christmas this year.


1 comment:

mightybob said...

good goals. especially the one to procrastinate less. i'm gonna set that as one of my resolutions, too. tomorrow.