Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote or die!

For those that might have been wondering, I reused a Halloween costume from a couple of years ago for last week's party and went as the Karate Kid. Good times. And it was nice not to have to walk around with crutches and bubble wrap on my foot.

No matter what your political persuasion, don't forget to vote Tuesday. Despite the message of the clip, I'll be at the polls on Election Day.

How else am I going to get a "Kiss me, I voted" sticker?


Anonymous said...

I hope you've used that idea more recently than when we were like 4 and 6. And either way... can you get mom a picture of it so she can put it next to the other one in the bathroom where you're dressed up as a karate kid?


Anonymous said...

"How else am I going to get a 'Kiss me, I voted' sticker?"

Wow. Virginia is for lovers, indeed.